What Role Can a CRM Play in Effective Martech Stack?

Marketing technology is becoming more and more popular – with a massive increase of 5,233% in the last 10 years.

It can help you get things done quicker, eliminate workflow obstacles, and make data-driven decisions.

In this post, you’ll discover everything about the Martech stack and how a dedicated CRM solution can help you create a frictionless experience for your business and your customers.

What Is a Martech Stack?

A Martech stack is the set of technology marketing professionals use to manage, execute, measure, and improve their marketing efforts.

The marketing technology stack usually consists of these tools:

The average marketing organization has deployed 91 different tools as part of the Martech stack.

Why Should You Leverage the Martech Stack?

Building a marketing technology stack is essential.

If you’re not taking advantage of it already, you’re missing out – and falling behind at a rapid pace. Here are some of the most critical reasons to use a Martech stack.

Automate Task

You no longer have to do tedious tasks over and over. And let’s be honest, there are a lot of these repetitive tasks…

They only waste your time and focus that you could allocate to more important things

…which would help you grow your business!

Remove Workflow Obstacles

Workflow obstacles can slow down your work and complicate the whole process of working with your clients and team members.

The most common workflow objections we see are:

Unfortunately, these can slow down your performance and productivity by 66% – draining your resources and making your organization inefficient.

The right Martech stack can help you eliminate these obstacles and create a frictionless experience.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Companies that base their decisions on real data are 23X more likely to acquire customers.

This is massive. And the only way to achieve this is to leverage marketing technology and capture as much data as possible.

In fact, that’s precisely what Konnektive CRM can help you with, capturing all important data like:

…and so much more.

We allow you to get every possible type of data there is to maximize your chances of making the right decisions and being profitable.

Book a demo with us today and maximize your profitability now.

What Role Can a CRM Play in Effective Martech Stack

CRM makes up a huge part of an effective Martech stack. But to leverage it to the fullest, you must first learn how to include it in your Martech stack properly.

In this section, you’ll discover how to use CRM in your Martech stack for the highest conversions.

#1: Store All Customer Data in One Location

A CRM provides a centralized location to store all customer data so you can nurture leads based on their information and where they are in the buyer’s journey.

For instance, you might have two leads like these:

The Lead A is sales-ready, so it can be passed on to the sales team.

But Lead B is not – and if you try to sell to this lead, you will lose it. Unfortunately, without a CRM solution in place, you have no idea about this.

…making a CRM solution a MUST-HAVE for an effective Martech stack.

#2: Streamline the Reporting

You have to constantly monitor your performance to make sure everything is going as smoothly as possible but also to be able to make data-driven decisions and get better results.

A CRM system provides a complete view of customer interaction.

You can track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, how well is your marketing and sales team collaborating, and more.

Essentially, you’re out of the dark and know precisely what is going on at all times.

#3: Create a Better Customer Segmentation

You no longer have to segment your audience manually.

Konnektive CRM will help you divide your audience into smaller groups by their demographics, behavior, and buying patterns.

And this can have a huge effect on your sales and the profitability of your business.

This is mostly because it will allow you to send more personalized messages and be more relevant with the product recommendations. It will show customers that you care about them, and they’ll thank you for that by purchasing a product.

Personalization and relevance are the most important things nowadays, especially since we are flooded with over 4,000+ ads every single day.

The only way to break through and make your customers buy is to provide a tailored experience.

Eliminate Friction & Create a Seamless Martech Stack

Leveraging Martech is a MUST nowadays, especially with the rise of AI. It’s the only way to stay ahead of the competition and get things done quickly and efficiently. One of the key elements of the Martech stack is a proper CRM solution.

And that’s what we can provide you with…

Konnektive CRM is the best CRM solution on the market, allowing you to save all customer data in one place, segment your audience, and make data-driven decisions. That way, you can get ahead faster, maximize customer satisfaction, and get more sales.

Our platform is the most secure and customizable CRM tool out there – so you can create everything the way you desire while keeping your customer data safe. If you’re looking to 2X or even 3X your conversion rate without any additional work, this is for you.

Book a demo with us today and DOUBLE your sales now.


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